Saturday, April 17, 2010

#29 NidoranF #30 Nidorina #31 Nidoqueen

#27 Sandshrew #28 Sandslash

#25 Pikachu #26 Raichu

#23 Ekans #24 Arbok

Hipster Arbok

Cool Ekans

#21 Spearow #22 Fearow

#19 Rattata #20 Raticate

#16 Pidgey #17 Pidgeotto #18 Pidgeot

#13 Weedle #14 Kakuna #15 Beedrill

#10 Caterpie #11 Metapod #12 Butterfree

#7 Squirtle #8 Wartortle #9 Blastoise

#4 Charmander #5 Charmeleon #6 Charizard

#1 Bulbasaur #2 Ivysaur #3 Venusaur

In Which I Draw All The Pokemon

I'm going to be drawing all the pokemon. Why? For practice and for fun, of course. All of these are done in Paint Shop Pro 9 unless otherwise noted.